If you have a child, you may wonder why they’re likely to get a cavity or have other oral health issues. Children need to take the same kind of consistent care of their teeth that adults do, but they have extra challenges.
That’s why our team at Dental Town DC, in Washington, DC, offer pediatric dentistry, starting even before your baby’s first tooth. Here’s what you need to know about children’s oral health problems, and how to prevent them.
Kids eat candy and sweets
Sugar is the main culprit in cavities and tooth decay. Sugar interacts with the bacteria that are present in plaque, the sticky substance that coats teeth after you eat. The sugar fuels the bacteria, which then produce acid as a waste product. The acid erodes the protective enamel, causing cavities that let bacteria enter the tooth.
Of course, sugary foods and drinks (including fruit juices) cause other health problems, too, including type 2 diabetes and obesity. Encourage your child to minimize sugary snacks and beverages. If they do consume them, be sure they rinse thoroughly afterward with water and brush as soon as possible.
Thumb sucking and other habits move teeth
It’s not an urban myth that thumb sucking can cause your child to develop an overbite that later needs orthodontic correction. Habits that shift teeth out of alignment include:
- Thumb sucking
- Tongue thrusting
- Lip sucking
Changing tooth alignment does more than alter the appearance of teeth. It can also affect how well your child chews and speaks. A misaligned jaw may also cause stress that wears down teeth or causes jaw pain.
Kids forget to brush and floss
As soon as a baby’s first tooth arrives, it’s important to clean it after every feeding, whether that’s baby food, breast milk, or juice. You can get your baby used to tooth cleaning by simply rubbing their gums with a damp washcloth after feeding, even before their first tooth comes in.
Bring your child to the dentist as soon as you see a tooth, or before their first birthday. We help teach children how to brush and floss properly so that their teeth stay healthy and strong. You may need to remind your child to brush at least twice a day before it becomes an ingrained habit.
Kids’ teeth may grow in crooked
Children may not have enough room in their mouths to accommodate their permanent teeth. Especially if they’ve lost baby teeth too early, permanent teeth may come in at an angle or otherwise be unaligned.
During your child’s biannual checkups, we take X-rays when needed to evaluate the health of their current teeth to determine if they have a cavity that needs treatment. But the X-rays also reveal whether or not their permanent teeth are developing and erupting in a healthy manner.
If you child develops an overbite, underbite, or has other alignment issues, we may recommend orthodontics. You can choose from traditional braces or Invaslign® clear aligner trays.
They’re at risk for losing teeth
Kids run and jump and have fun, no matter what the weather or conditions. Slipping on the ice, tripping, or colliding with an object or another person could lead to a chipped, cracked, or lost tooth.
Children also play sports, including sports that could result in a dental emergency. If your child plays contact sports, like football, or plays games that have sticks or balls, such as baseball or hockey, ask us about a custom-fitted mouthguard. They wear the mouthguard during the game to keep their teeth safe from blows and trauma.
Children may grind their teeth at night
Bruxism — or nighttime teeth grinding — is a common habit among children. If you hear grinding sounds when your child sleeps, or if you notice that their bite is askew, bring them in for a consultation.
We may prescribe a nightguard that they wear while sleeping to protect their teeth. Many children also suffer from sleep apnea — which usually manifests as snoring — that can cause them to stop breathing and grind their teeth. If your child has sleep apnea, we may recommend a custom-designed oral appliance that keeps their airway open.
The best way to keep tabs on your child’s oral health is to schedule a pediatric dentistry biannual check-up and cleaning at Dental Town DC. We also offer sealants to protect against cavities. Contact our office by phone or our online scheduling tool.