Our Dental Blog

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How Do I Take Care of My Veneers?

Getting veneers is an exciting decision for many teenagers and older children. Porcelain veneers help children with chipped, crooked, or permanently discolored teeth regain a stronger, healthier, and more attractive smile....

How to Save a Knocked-Out Tooth

Your teeth are securely fixed in your jaw. Nonetheless, around five million teeth get knocked out annually. Children and adults have a nearly equal risk of knocking a tooth out, and...

Common Dental Issues in Seniors

You may have prided yourself on your oral health when you were young and expected that your good daily habits would help you coast through older age. However, your teeth —...

Terms and Conditions

Here at Dental Town DC, we work diligently to protect our patient's rights and privacy. Requesting an appointment via our Internet portal is considered part of what HIPAA has identified as electronically protected information (ePHI). Unfortunately, despite the best efforts we make or take, there are people or entities that may attempt to intercept the data you transmit to us. By checking the box, and electronically making an appointment, you understand that you are making an appointment over the internet and that Dental Town DC will keep this information confidential but cannot guarantee that others, outside of our practice, may not illegally intercept this communication. As a result of continuing, you are sending this transmission and accepting the inherent risk(s) associated with making this request for an appointment. As an alternative, you are always welcome to contact our office via telephone to schedule your appointment.