Once upon a time, everyone in Hollywood had yellow teeth. Don’t believe it? Go back and look at a few color movies from the 1980s or before and check out the lackluster smiles.
Since the advent of professional teeth whitening, however, every tooth in Hollywood gleams like a star in the night sky. And, you’ve noticed, so do most of the teeth around you.
Except yours. Yours are dull, dingy, and make you look older.
You’d love to have a professional teeth whitening treatment to turn up the volume on your smile. But you have gum disease. Does that rule you out?
Our expert dentists want you to have beautiful, shining white teeth. But not at the expense of your oral health. Before whitening your teeth, you must first repair and restore your gums.
Why your gums must be healthy
There wouldn’t be any point in painting your house if the foundation was about to collapse. There’s no point in whitening your teeth if your gums aren’t healthy.
Your gums are vital tissues that hold your teeth in place. If your gums aren’t healthy, eventually your teeth will fall out.
When you come for a tooth whitening consultation, our dentists conduct a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, aveolar bone, and your oral soft tissues. They’re looking for any evidence of disease or abnormalities that must be corrected to preserve your oral — and your general — health.
Healthy gums aren’t just important to save your teeth. A gum infection can pass into your bloodstream and cause a life-threatening systemic infection, too. You may have a gum infection if you notice symptoms such as:
- Blood on your toothbrush or floss
- Swollen or painful gums
- Blood or pus on your gums
- Discolored gums
- Recessed gums
- Foul taste in mouth
- Foul, persistent odor
Contact us if you have any of the symptoms of gum disease.
Treat your gums first
If you’d like whiter teeth, first commit to improving your overall oral health. At Dental Town DC, our team provides periodontal services that remove the infection from your gums, allowing them to heal and adhere to your teeth again. Procedures may include:
- Scaling
- Root planing
- Gum pocket reduction
Because your gums may have receded owing to periodontitis or other factors, we also offer gum grafting and guided tissue regeneration. Once your gums and teeth are healthy again, you’re free to move on to cosmetic dentistry procedures, including professional teeth whitening.
Your whitening, your choice
Once your gums are healthy, you can choose from two different types of teeth whitening procedures:
Phillips Zoom!® in-office whitening
A professional in-office teeth whitening session takes less than an hour and can lighten your teeth by up to eight shades. You leave the office with the bright, white, shining teeth of your dreams.
Phillips at-home kits
Get the strength of a professional whitening gel at your convenience. Take-home trays take longer to whiten your teeth, but are more cost effective.
For a periodontal evaluation or to find out if you’re a candidate for a teeth whitening treatment, request an appointment. Contact our office at Dental Town DC by phone or online scheduling tool today.